These are not Olympic with it

I've been watching these Olympic Games every day. I cant turn it off. I want to...I really do, but then I'm sucked in...again. It seems every night I end up saying the same thing....Why is this an Olympic Event and who cares.
Here's my list of Top "Sports" that we should not be watching in the Olympics.

1. Race Walking - Nothing says "hey I'm a loser" like seeing who can walk the fastest
2. Trampoline - I would watch it if they had a double bounce off...that would be tight
3. Steeplechase - How random is that huge puddle of water on the track. Its appears to be the same track they use for the horses but they convinced actual people to run it. Very
4. Synchronize Swimming - Insert joke here. There are too many to write.
5. Ping Pong - I just don't think this is what they were thinking about when the Olympics were born.

What do you think??


Unknown said...

i love you honey, but i'd like to see you do synchronized swimming. =)

Shane said...

FALSE. its dancing in water...which is called stupid

Anonymous said...

There is way to many stupid events out there!!

Anonymous said...

The old lady's cute, :)

Anonymous said...

What about diving???? Who cares about that???

Anonymous said...

what about handball? how gay is that?

Anonymous said...

i agree with you people partner diving is just weird

Anonymous said...

That lady is Hot! haha

JoeyWill829 said...

how bout this one:
women's basketball
nothing screams "disgraceful and boring" like a nation's women's basketball team.

Anonymous said...

rhythmic gymnastics seems pretty weak! why isnt that on the list?

Anonymous said...

Why isnt Darts an Olympic Sport????

Unknown said...

to tdowser- do you know anything at all about rhythmic gymnastics? it is incredible the amount of training that goes into this takes immense amounts of precision, detail, hard work, and sacrifice. you shouldn' speak about something until you have a little knowledge about whatever it is and you clearly have no clue about rhythmic gymnastics..."weak"??- serioulsy, i'd like to see you get out and do even a tenth of what they do...i think you'd then have a lot more respect and appreciation for the sport of rhythmic gymnastics!

Anonymous said...

go nicole set the record straight about rhythmic gymnastics. i soon as i read the comment from tdowser i knew they were in trouble with the ZAP!

Unknown said...

just keepin' it real. just keepin' it real. =)